So, the other day it was about 80+ outside so I asked Addi if she wanted to help wash Mama's car. Of course she nodded and said "simsuit". While I was gathering car wash supplies this little toot decided to take a swim in the dog's water bowl! When I found her she was all the way in and splashing, but by the time I got my camera she had decided the water was cold!
Well, today is now 2 weeks after my miscarriage. At first I didn't think that I would ever feel normal again, but I am finally starting to feel like myself. I couldn't do any exercise for a week, but since then I have been running again (which always boosts my spirits) and Addi and I have been going on long walks and playing at the park. I am not "over it" and I probably won't ever be, but I am sad less and happy more, afterall I have lots of reasons to be happy. It's hard for me to sleep, I think about it then and I toss and turn and eventually exhaustion wins. I went yesterday to have some bloodwork done, so hopefully all of that will come back normal and I can officially put this chapter (@ least medically) behind me. However, I do worry that "Wednesday's" will always be a reminder to me. This morning I woke up and realized that it was Wednesday and then I knew it had been two weeks... I don't want this to ruin the rest of my Wednesday's. Then a friend shared a link (to a blog) on facebook. The girl's blog is about her daughter (just like mine) except last week her four month old baby stopped breathing and died suddenly. She writes about the day it happened, funeral arrangements, etc. Of course I am bawling while reading it and looking at pictures of her beautiful baby girl. My heart goes out to this couple because I can't even imagine going through what they are going through. Then, I realized how lucky I was that I didn't have that baby and love it and hug it and make memories with it, only to then lose it. Don't get me wrong, I am sad about our baby, but I can only imagine how devasted I would have been if I would have gotten to know that baby and then lost it.
Just last week, I was talking about my friend Chase who died eight years ago this March. I still can't believe he is gone and it has been eight years. I still cry when I talk about him because he was always such a good friend to me and I feel so sad to know that he is not here on earth growing old with the rest of us. I was talking with his mom and I know the pain that I have over losing my baby, but I know her pain is a million times worse because everywhere she goes and everything she sees is a reminder or a memory of him. All I have to do is put away the ultrasound pictures and baby books and most of my reminders are gone. I am thankful that I didn't have to hold my baby and fall in love with it and then lose it. That is something that no mother or father should ever have to do. For that and many other reason my heart goes out to those mothers who have to say goodbye to their children.
So, I have decided to take the lemons that God gives me and turn them into lemonade! I am going to make the most of the time that just Addison and I have together. One day there will be another baby and then it won't be just Addi and Mama anymore. So, while it's just the two of us we are going to enjoy it. I will take thousands of photos and blabber on my blog about how wonderful my child is, because she is of course. We have a pretty spectacular life and I trust that God will never give me more than I can handle.
{the blog I refer to is , please keep this family in your prayers}
{the blog I refer to is , please keep this family in your prayers}
:) Addison's Mama