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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So happy... So sad

It's funny how I can be happy with so many parts of my life, but one little thing can sometimes overshadow all of that. We have had an great summer, full of family time and fun, but as August approaches I feel myself being sad. I am constantly reminded of that fact that I am no longer pregnant. We should be preparing for the arrival of baby #2 and Addison should be getting ready to be a big sister. I dislike this constant reminder that life isn't fair. I am hopeful that once August comes and goes so will my saddness.
Most days I am completely satisfied with my little family of three. I am thankful for the time that we have together and for all the attention that Addison gets. One day Addison will get a baby sister or brother and she will have to share her momma and daddy, but for now she has us all to herself! I think that's why she is so darn smart! She is just chattering away and is almost potty-trained! We are so proud of her, she is doing really well with doing her business on the potty! I can't wait until we are completely diaper free. One day when I have time I will share some videos, but here are some funny things Addi is doing these days: singing (Hit the Road Jack, This Little Light of Mine, B-I-B-L-E, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and her Paw Paw's fav song "Old dogs, children, and watermelon wine". Other "addisms"... she likes to tell her daddy he has "chipmunk cheeks", she calls me Ashley when she really wants to get my attention, and she tells us "so glad you're here". Oh, I know there's more...I have to write these things down or I forget when she does what! All I know is she makes me smile every single day...
Somehow in between all the trips and parties, we found time to have some awesome family pictures taken. Anna is amazing! I haven't picked up my cd yet, so this is the only picture I have to share, but the others are great and you will see them soon!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hey Shamu!

July 7, 2011 we went to see Shamu aka as Shampoo around here! It was warm, but not too bad until about 4:00. Addison was an angel! She sat still during the shows, rode rides with daddy, played in the water, and loved watching the animals. She saw Shamu, dolphins, sharks, fish, whales, penguins, alligators, Elmo, Cookie Monster, birds, seals, and sea lions. Daddy even bought her a giant stuffed Shamu! She fell asleep holding her Shamu on the way home. That night when it was time for bed Addison decided that Shamu needed to sleep with her and Moo Moo (the cow that she has slept with for months) needed to get out of her bed! So glad I got to be there for Ryan and Addi's first trip to Sea World. We had so much fun! Now I am looking forward to a few days in San Antonio with my hubby. Then, it's time for football to start and life will be chaos around here until December!