(Mommy and Me pictures by Mayfield Fine Photography)
Speaking of grief, Addison is making me CRAZY these days! I think I am just ready for a little break. Ryan is working all the time and the only time I am away from her is when I am at work...not much of a "mental" break for me! Right now she is being so cute, she is having Ryan and I babysit her puppies and horses. I've noticed in the last few weeks she spends alot of time talking to her animals and making them talk to each other. I have to laugh at some of the conversations these animals have!
Let's see...what else is going on. Of course football games. We are still undefeated, heading to the playoffs and hopefully a 5th state championship. We all love football season, both of our families really enjoy going to the games and Addison looks forward to Friday night's as much as her daddy. We joke that she will be like that little girl on Remember The Titans! The other night at the JV game she ran out on the field during halftime and told me "I have to go to work and coach those boys!"
Addi is still doing great on the potty. Every now and then she gets busy with her toys and forgets, but she only wears diapers at night :) so proud of her. Her favorite song right now is "Mean" by Taylor Swift. She wants to sing it all the time, it's pretty cute. Of course when I get out the video camera she wants to act silly.
Addison still has the same boyfriend, Kyler. Kyler is about to be a big brother, we are all anxiously awaiting his sister Paisley who was supposed to be here yesterday! She loves Kyler and he loves her! It's so funny to see how excited they get to see each other. We are hoping her obsession with BOYLIES (can't say boys very well) will fade by the time she gets in junior high!