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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Parade of Champions

in a daze... just up from her nap :(
Daddy and Mr. Loochie in the paradewatching the Cavalettes dance! The Cavalettes were the opening act in the Rose Bowl Parade this year! watching the fireworks show!

Hello 2012

Ryan & I laughed, cause apparently we are old and boring! We were happy to stay at home with our girl for New Year's! We finished off the sparklers from last year and the ones left from our wedding (almost 5 years ago) and they still worked! Then we put the munchkin to bed and stayed up to look for Katie on Time Square! It was nice to wake up feeling good on New Year's day and to go to church that morning.

Our little bride!

I saw this cute idea on pinterest and just had to do it! You're supposed to photograph your daughter in your wedding dress, so she can use the picture at her wedding! So when we were home for Christmas, I got out my dress and snapped a few pictures. She's such a ham, here lately I get a lot of cheesey smiles and less of the sweet smiles that I love!

The Lights of Lakeway

Loving the Lights!We took our 3rd annual trip to the Trail of Lights in Lakeway...which happens to be right by our house! It was sooo cold, but we had fun. We have to drive by the light everyday on our way home, so Addison wanted to go look at the lights everday! It's hard to believe that Addi was just a little baby the first time we went to look at the lights and now she's a big girl!

Christmas Morning

This year, we came back home Christmas Eve night so we would be home for Santa Claus Christmas morning. Addison is old enough now that Christmas is lots of fun! She left Santa some of Mick Mick's animal cookies and some choc milk. Her big gift this year was a Jeep. I decided on a blue one, mostly cause I'm not a huge fan of the Barbie Jeeps and we are going to decorate the blue one with removable stickers! Here it is, the middle of Jan. and I am still explaining that Christmas is OVER and we are not opening anymore presents! Christmas has spoiled my child into wanting a new toy everyday! The little toot still wants to sing Rudolph and Frosty everytime we get in the car.