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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Sprinkler" Girl

We are soooo happy that Addi is back after her weeklong visit to the country!  I think it was Monday night...we are watching tv and out of nowhere Addison says, "Where is Obama?" Ryan and I looked at each other a little confused and she says, "Where's Obama...he's not a very good talker...Mint Romney is a good talker...Paw Paw doesn't like Obama!" Ryan and I were rolling in the floor laughing! If you know my Paw Paw, then you know he watches fox news 24/7 and he pretty much despises mr. Obama! She doesn't miss anything and she makes her Paw Paw proud!

 She had a great week at school with all of her friends.  Book Fair was this week so she picked out a bunch of books and I picked out a bunch of books (I can't say no to books!). We have read at least one new book a night and still haven't read them all.  I love that she loves to read.  Yesterday we had a lazy day around the house...well, I cleaned house and Addi had a lazy day.  We had tickets to the SMU & TCU game but it was raining and we didn't feel like sitting in the cold rain.  I hate that we didn't get to see "Big Griff" and Garrett play each other, but I'm sure we will catch another game. This morning we went to church (we haven't be to church here since football started :( bad I know).  It's so hard with the hours Ryan works and Sunday mornings are really our "family time".  I'm glad we went, as I always am, the music was good and the sermon was great.  It's a story I have heard before, but I really listened to it today.  I am definately the "older son" who listened and didn't disobey his father...and gets angry when my "younger brother" disobeyes and has everything handed to him (of course I'm not an older son and I am not talking about my younger brother).  It's hard when you obey and try to do right and it seems like others who disobey and do wrong just have things handed to them in life.  This is definitely something I have been struggling with lately... Anyway, if you get a chance read the Parable of the Lost SONS - Luke 15 11-31

I like the father's response to his oldest son...
31. "My son, 'the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.  32. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."

Which son are you? the rebellious son or the religious son...in the end it doesn't matter as long as you realize that there is a third son...Jesus...who died for everyone's sin.

So I bought some Halloween sprinkles a while ago and Addison has been bugging me about making "sprinkler cookies" all week and everyday I say "tomorrow"...well tomorrow came...she loved it and created a big mess in my kitchen yesterday.  It's okay, we are making memories over here! Anyway, in my obsession with pinterest...I saw this picture with a boy covered in sprinkles...since Addi loves sprinkles I wanted to re-create it with her.  She LOVED it...wants to do it again and again! A bit messy, but I love the way the pictures turned out and I loved her expression when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time!

Friday, September 21, 2012

I miss my Addi :(

Addison was driving me a bit crazy and I needed some "me" time and she needed some grandma time...so she has been in the country for the last week.  The first few days were nice, I could actually relax a bit after work, but I miss my baby girl now!  It's so funny, I thought her teacher was going to cry when I told her Addi wouldn't be at school all week.  She said,"Oh I will miss her so much, she is such a good helper and listener and she loves to learn and do work."  Almost every day since she has told me how much she misses Addison.  The other teachers in our school and all the kids Addi's age (even the one's in other classes) keep asking me, "Where is Addison? Is she coming back to school?"  It seems everybody loves our Addison :)  

I've had a very difficult week so my sweet husband got me a chocolate cheesecake from the cheesecake factory (he better love me when my butt is the size of barn...only 500k calories) and my mom and dad sent me these beautiful fall flowers today.  BUT what I really want is to talk to my Addi on the phone, but everytime I call her she is busy playing with puppies, looking at cows, or zebras (mom and dad took her to a safari) or at a football game.  She always says, "I will talk to her tomorrow".  Silly girl.  Yesterday she was at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house for lunch and they were eating gizzards.  Paw Paw kept trying to get her to try one and she shook her head and asked if it was a Gecko! Then she went to mom's house later that day and told her they were eating lizzards for lunch! That girl...never a dull moment when she's around. 

So I was reading one of my apps on my kindle, it has bible verses and prayers, and I came across this and I had to share.  I thought it was beautiful and something we all need to pray for...

A Prayer for Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.  O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved; as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.  Amen  - St. Francis of Assisi

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today I am having a really hard time understanding God's plans.  I recognize the bigger picture, but it still bothers me the way that God tests the faith of his followers through trials, troubles and death.  Then there are those who seem to skate through life untouched by hardship.  It's not fair to me that Christians are constantly having their faith tested.  I realize that in the end we will be rewarded with Heaven, the ultimate reward, but right here and now it's still a tough pill to swallow.  I realize that these feelings are just part of my faith being tested, but I am ready for the tests to be over with.  I need to stop my pity party because there are many who have suffered worse hardships than me, but I am ready for some sunshine and the storms to stop. 

On that note, today I will pray for my understanding and faith, but also for the Dowdy/Herro families as today they begin packing up all of Liz', Fischer and Ben's earthly possessions.  I know whatever pain I am feeling is just a fraction of what they are going through.