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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Never Knew Love

"I Never Knew Love" by: Doug Stone

About a year ago a friend of ours had just had a baby and I was visiting her. I remember her getting emotional and telling me how she had never loved anyone or anything as much as she loved her baby. Of course, I teared up and at that moment I thought I understood what she was talking about. This was right around the time that we were trying to have a baby and constantly being disappointed every month. It wasn't until Addison was born that I truly understood what she was talking about. I loved Addison the moment I discovered that I was pregnant (one morning before school after taking 3 pregnancy tests), I loved her more the first time I saw her on a sonogram, I loved her more the first time I felt her move, I loved her more the day we found out that she was a "she", but I had no idea how much I really loved her until the day that she was born and I saw her for the very first time. Even though she was covered in baby goo and had puffy eyes she was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. At that moment she became the most important person in the world to me. Since that day, I have often found myself remembering what it felt like to see her for the first time and for some reason this song "I Never Knew Love" keeps popping into my head. When I was pregnant everyone gave me advice and told me stories (good and bad) but no one could truly explain that feeling when you see your baby for the first time and hold her in your arms. That is a feeling that I know I will always remember and cherish, because it is the day that my life really started.


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