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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We LOVE football :)


There's our favorite coach : )
Addi was soooo tired after the game, decided to take a little nap on the field :) not every little girl gets to take a nap a Texas Memorial Stadium :) hook 'em

Addison LOVES Kyler and he loves her :)

A cool 109 degrees @ kick-off!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sometimes life just stinks...

This has been a tough week and a tough year, perhaps one of the worst. Friday the 18th was one of my "due dates" and Monday the 22nd is another. So it's safe to say that I should be holding a new baby boy/girl right about now. I'm not, and it sucks, there's really no other way to say it. When I found out I was pregnant August seemed so far away, and here it is. It's amazing how quickly time has passed since I lost the baby in February. I know all the logical reasons why it happened, but it doesn't take away the saddness for what was lost. I wish I would have know if it were a boy or girl, I don't like not knowing. I know that I will know one day, when I see that baby, I guess that will have to be enough for now. My mom knows how tough this month has been for me, so she sent me this necklace. I love it, for what it represents and when it jingles it reminds me of that baby looking over us. It's nice and I love her for remembering. I just pray that this saddness and worry that is drowning us right now will just go away. I am looking forward to January and a new year and a new beginning.

I hate to act like all we have had this year is saddness...because that is far from the truth. 2011, has given us lots of good times and many blessings. Miss Addison fills our days with endless joy, even when she is being a stinker. When I am having a bad day all it takes is one smile or an "I love you mama" from her to make my day all better. I thank God everyday for sending us such a sweet little angel :)

Addi painted some pictures for her grandma's the other day. She loves to paint!

Just a few pics from a playdate with her friends. Pizza, waterballoons, pool-time... the kids had fun, but boy was it HOT! and yes, there is a top to that bikini, but our child has become a nudist... surprised the bottoms stayed on!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Life as we know it...

The daddy has officially left our lives until football is over! When he is home (which is rare) he is tired and falling asleep in his chair. When Addi asks where daddy is and I say "work" she just says, "oh work, right". Like duh, I should have known that!

Addi has been busy with playdates with some of her coaching kid friends. She's even started up a new romance with her boyfriend Kyler. He's a younger man, but he is a cutie pie and they seem to be in love! LOL

As for the rest of us we are just trucking along. I was really hoping to go back to work this year (not leaving Addi but the $ and the freedom) but due to budget cuts etc. there were no jobs in my teaching field :( However, I will be helping another coaches wife with an after school program. It will be a nice way to ease back into work, and Addi gets to stay with Aunt Katie Katie while I work. I am looking forward to being around kiddos again and I hope that it will be a successful program. Anyway, I have lots of pics to edit/post, but not today! I better get some sleep, my little monkey has been an early riser lately :( We have a BIG day tomorrow... lots to do!

OH! I've been up to lot of creative crafts (will share some other soon...) but my friend Amber shared this info. with me and I thought I'd pass it along! I've already made my own and it works and it's SUPER cheap!

Homemade Laundry Soap: 2 cups grated soap, 1 cup Mule Team Borax, 1 cup washing soda (just 2 Tbs. per load) costs about 2 cents per load (depending on the soap you use)

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent: 1 cup Mule Team Borax, 1 cup washing soda, a few drops of lemon oil (optional) (just 2 Tbs. per load)

I like these because its CHEAP, I can make a bunch so I don't worry about running out so often, I know exactly what is in it, I don't have to lug big bottle of detergent out of the store, and did I mention its cheap! Anyway, they work! just store in an airtight container (light a gallon ziplock bag)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Woohoo! It's football time in Texas. Looking forward to a great year and my husbands 3rd ring! Kickin' it off at UT's DKR stadium August 27th against Westlake... all the cool people will be there!

Go Cavs!

Big shoes...

Ok, I would love to take credit for this idea, but I kinda borrowed it from a blog I follow! http://517creations.blogspot.com/ She created one of these using her son (and his dad's shoes) for Father's Day. I LOVED the idea, but we don't have a son and I knew Ryan wouldn't make me one for Mother's Day! So anyway, I made my own (tooting my own horn) and one day we will have a son and I will make Ryan one. My pictures didn't turn out like I had hope, but my model was being a toot on this particular day (like most days) so it's the best I could do. I do love those chubby little legs though. I know I will love these photos even more when those legs have grown up and lost their baby fat.

Life has been ticking away here at the Priem house. Football is officially underway. We had our coaches families kick-off party Saturday. Some Lake Travis Cavalier fans loaned us their gorgeous lakeside house (shall I say mansion). It was a spectacular place, and we all had fun hanging out in the pool with all the kids and enjoyed some great food. It was so funny, when Addison got in her carseat (as we were leaving) she said "I had so much fun!" LOL, in some ways I am glad we don't have a pool...she would never want to get out of it!

Had to share a few silly pictures of Addison and Daisy. My mom sold ALL of her pups from her last two litters, but this one had a mysterious bump come up on it's head (and disappear) so the new owner decided not to take her. My mom decided to keep her for a little while so Addi could play with her. Addi loves Daisy... Daisy doesn't love Addi! Addison want to carry her everywhere and put her in the kennel...she just won't leave her alone. We have all grown to love Miss Daisy, but I feel sorry for that poor puppy! I have a feeling Daisy will be leaving soon, and Addison will be heartbroken :(