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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sometimes life just stinks...

This has been a tough week and a tough year, perhaps one of the worst. Friday the 18th was one of my "due dates" and Monday the 22nd is another. So it's safe to say that I should be holding a new baby boy/girl right about now. I'm not, and it sucks, there's really no other way to say it. When I found out I was pregnant August seemed so far away, and here it is. It's amazing how quickly time has passed since I lost the baby in February. I know all the logical reasons why it happened, but it doesn't take away the saddness for what was lost. I wish I would have know if it were a boy or girl, I don't like not knowing. I know that I will know one day, when I see that baby, I guess that will have to be enough for now. My mom knows how tough this month has been for me, so she sent me this necklace. I love it, for what it represents and when it jingles it reminds me of that baby looking over us. It's nice and I love her for remembering. I just pray that this saddness and worry that is drowning us right now will just go away. I am looking forward to January and a new year and a new beginning.

I hate to act like all we have had this year is saddness...because that is far from the truth. 2011, has given us lots of good times and many blessings. Miss Addison fills our days with endless joy, even when she is being a stinker. When I am having a bad day all it takes is one smile or an "I love you mama" from her to make my day all better. I thank God everyday for sending us such a sweet little angel :)

Addi painted some pictures for her grandma's the other day. She loves to paint!

Just a few pics from a playdate with her friends. Pizza, waterballoons, pool-time... the kids had fun, but boy was it HOT! and yes, there is a top to that bikini, but our child has become a nudist... surprised the bottoms stayed on!

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