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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Movie Time

Last Saturday Ryan was working (playoff baseball) so my mom, dad, Addi, and myself went to the movies to see Rio in 3-D. It was Addi's first movie EVER and it was everyone's first 3-D movie... we are just poor country people I guess! So after $40 on movie ticket and $15 on drinks and popcorn we enjoyed the show! As soon as the movie started Addison put on her 3-D glasses and her jaw dropped open. For at least two minutes she sat there mouth opened wide. My mom was afraid that she was choking on popcorn, but she just amazed at the 3-D picture. I have to admit, it was pretty cool, especially since the whole movie is so bright and vivid. At one point in the movie the birds are being chased and Addison started screaming (yes, screaming) "fly away baby birds, fly away baby birds!" She was so excited that I had to put my hand over her mouth to get her to be quiet. Then, a little later there was a scene where the birds were dancing and some upbeat music was playing. She started dancing and saying "shake ya body" over and over. We were laughing so hard we were crying. The movie was cute, but watching Addison watch the movie was so much fun. She wanted to take her glasses off half the time, but the picture was blurry without them, so eventually she would give in and wear them. I was amazed that she sat there (stuffing her face with popcorn) for an hour!!!! Generally, our little girl can't sit still for 5 minutes... an hour is almost unbelievable. I can't wait to take her to another movie :)

Addison is about to be TWO and she is doing lots of funny things these days! Here are a few things that make us laugh!
- We sing "hit the road jack..." she says "hit the jack road...and don't come back no more no more no more... hit the jack road"! it's hilarious and she has us laughing everytime
- she says "cool man cool" all the time!
- she just started saying things are pretty... when we got out of the car at the movies, she said "Mimi's car is so pretty"! We laughed and of course she said it again. Then she said "Mick Mick (my dad) is so pretty"!
- When you ask her how old she is, she says "FOUR" then smiles and says "TWO"
- the other night she called her daddy "Ryan" (his name of course) but she always calls him Dada. I thought it was funny, especially since she kept saying it over and over, but her daddy didn't like it one bit!

I know there are more... she says/does something everyday that has me shaking my head and laughing. I still can't believe that our little toot is going to be two years old! I am looking forward to her birthday party being over with. I have a problem...I tend to go overboard and create work for myself and this party is more proof of that. It's nothing spectacular, but I did everything myself (handmade with love) fromt the invites to the cupcakes. Did I mention the hand decorated goodie bags and birthday banner?!! All I can say is thank goodness I am creative (and really like to do that stuff) and thank goodness for my handy dandy Cricut (the best gift (besides love) that my momma has ever given me!) Anyway... pictures of the CARNIVAL party will be coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww Addi is a little clown too! I love when Jace is funny. Their personalities are really starting to shine through huh?
    Well we will see y'all at the carnival!!! Love - The Bryan Family
