Everybody knows someone who sends out one of those Christmas letters that goes on and on about how great and wonderful their lives are when you know darn good and well that their lives aren't that perfect or great! At the risk of making yall barf I will give you the shortened version of what is going on in our lives.
I (Ashley, aka Momma) am still staying at home with Addison and recently started doing permanent makeup out of a shop in Giddings, Tx a few days a month. I am looking forward to doing more work and still spending lots of time with my favorite girl .
Ryan is still coaching football and baseball at Lake Travis High School. Last year they won their 3rd State Championship (in football, Ryan's 1st) and we are currently in the 4th round of the playoffs! 1 more makes 4! Ryan loves his job more than anybody else I know. I have never know anyone who was more excited to go to work! It's a good thing he loves his job, because he spends so many hours working. I constantly have other coaches, teachers, and parents tell me how wonderful Ryan is and how much their kids look up to and love him. It makes me proud that he is so good at his job and has a positive influence on so many kids. I got me a great guy ;)
Addison is looking more and more like a little girl and less like a baby. Those adorable fat rolls on her legs have almost disappeared as she runs everywhere she goes! No one is sure where our wild child gets all of her energy, but boy does she have it. She says so many words now, it's hard to believe she is only 18 months old. I talk to her all the time (trying to teach her new words), just yesterday I asked her if she wanted a snack... she said, "mmm... a nack!" She is such a toot! Every night she smiles from ear to ear and shouts "Dada" when Ryan walks in the door. Her personality gets her into lots of trouble (climbing on tables, hitting the dogs, trying to eat dog food etc.) but her sneaky little smiles get her out of trouble too! So many times I have been about to spank her butt and she comes up and gives me a hug or a kiss... how can anybody be mad at that?! My favorite part of the day is nightime when we say our prayers and she always ends my prayer with an "amen"... it makes my heart smile to hear her sweet little voice say "amen".
Well, I could go on and on...but I won't! I will end by saying that as I have grown older and become a mother I have noticed that my priorities and attitude about life has changed vastly. I am so thankful for all the blessings in our lives. We could always use more money or more things, but if we had more we would probably still want more! What we do have is a healthy happy family, wonderful friends, and the promise of a bright future...that's enough for me!
Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year,
Love... Ryan, Ashley, and Addison :)