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"Don't tell God how BIG the mountains are; tell the mountains how BIG God is."
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Monday, December 27, 2010

We had a holly jolly Christmas this year!

<--- Christmas Day at Maw Maw & Paw Paw's house. Patiently waiting on Maw Maw to unload the stocking that Santa had stuffed!
<---Rocking away in Maw Maw's rocking chair

<---opening her Cabbage Patch doll on Christmas Eve
<--- Reading the book Uncle Matt & Aunt Katie had made specially for her :)

On Christmas morning Ryan and Addi stayed in the bedroom watching cartoons and I went outside ringing a bell and saying "ho ho ho" outside the bedroom window. Ryan said Addi's eyes got big and she immediately headed for the bedroom door to see Santa.
Before Christmas we would ask Addi what she wanted Santa to bring her and she would say "a bounce bounce". So Christmas morning we opened all our gifts and went outside (it was COLD) so she could ride her little red car. She wasn't having much fun in the car (she can only go backwards). So she got out and started running down the driveway. As she rounded the house to the front yard she saw the trampoline in my parent's front yard! As soon as that toot saw it she screamed and ran as fast as she could! This picture doesn't quite capture her excitement, it was priceless. About halfway there she fell flat on her face, but popped right back up!

Playing with her Dora guitar!

Addison loves baby dolls! Now we have baby dolls and baby accessories!

These are just a few images from our Christmas! After Ryan's big State Championship win we attended the annual Christmas program at my church. My mom and I were able to do some shopping, which I always love spending time with my Mama. Then Ryan and I finished up our Christmas shopping and hung out with our great friends that we don't get to see enough! Then we finished off the week with our traditional Chrismas Eve and Christmas Day traditions with my family both from Texas and Mississippi.
We had so much fun this year and Addison has a room and a yard full of toys. Not to mention all the toys that were left a @ MiMi's house and Maw Maw's house. It's so easy to buy presents for her and for all little kids. For months I would be in the store and see something that I thought she would love and I would put it up for her. By the time Christmas rolled around I had way too much stuff for her. When everything settles down I will be going thru all our old toys and boxing up stuff she doesn't play with. Honestly, she would rather sit in our lap and read books or play with puzzles... she's not that into playing by herself right now.
We had a wonderful Christmas, perhaps the best ever! It was so much fun watching our little monkey open her presents and to spend time with our families. We still have one more Christmas to go, and then the tree and the decorations are coming down and will be packed away for another year. I have a feeling that next CHRISTmas will be even better than this one.
Thankful for all of God's blessings,
Mama Ashley

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